>I Should Have Known Better


Got up early this morning. Cold temps prevail this week in the Birmingham metro area, so I thought to myself, “while the coffee is brewing, I will go out and spray my roses with Lime Sulphur.” Having already showered and dressed in a suit for a busy day at the bank, I proceeded out to the garage
to grab my sprayer which was already full of spray. I got outside and pushed the handle. Nothing. I pumped the sprayer and tried again. Nothing… I then began to twist the spray nozzle and press the lever. BIG MISTAKE. The spray nozzle came loose and back sprayed my arm, chest and
suit pants with the glorious fragrance of “eau de lime sulphur”.

Needless to say, the day has gone downhill since. Had to re-shower, re-dress, drink hot coffee in traffic, late to my first meeting, you get the picture.

Note to self:
NEVER spray roses when you are in a hurry.
Clean and check the nozzles on sprayers regularly.
If roses are worth growing, they are worth the time and attention they so richly deserve.

This is my first post via text……. Ahhh, the wonders of technology…….

About Chris VanCleave - America's Favorite Rose Gardener

Christopher R. VanCleave – America’s Favorite Rose Gardener Nicknamed "The Redneck Rosarian”, Chris VanCleave is passionate about gardening and growing roses. He is an active member of the Birmingham chapter of the American Rose Society, serving two terms as President. In 2007, he created the Rose Chat Podcast which has reached over a half a million listeners with news and information on growing on growing the world’s most beloved flower, the rose. He was a contributor to the 2015 Southern Living Gardening Book, has appeared on P. Allen Smith’s Garden Home television show and was featured in the June 2015 issue of Southern Living Magazine. Locally, Chris serves as Chairman of the Helena Alabama Beautification Board where he has spearheaded efforts to create a sustainable landscape in one of the top one hundred places to live in the United States. His writing is seen at About.com and on his popular website; RedneckRosarian.com, where he chronicles his gardening adventures and explores an intrinsic mix of life, faith and gardening. An agent of change with over 20 years’ experience in process innovation, Mr. VanCleave is leading the charge to reinvigorate horticultural societies and helping them to reach their full potential in the social media age.
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6 Responses to >I Should Have Known Better

  1. >Too Funny. Hope you can get it out of your suit.


  2. Jo Ann says:

    >Been there done that I just hate when I'm under pressure to hurry up in the garden. I hope your day got better.


  3. >I usually prefer photos, but you didn't need one for this post, as you paint a very vivid picture. Great lessons!


  4. debsgarden says:

    >I enjoyed reading this post; I always remind myself when crazy days happen that it all will make a good story later! I'm looking forward to seeing posts of your beautiful roses this spring.


  5. Autumn Belle says:

    >It happened to me before too. Anyhow, these things seem to happen when you are in a hurry and all dressed up. Remember Murphy's Law?


  6. Anonymous says:

    >Nice post and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you seeking your information.


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